Trusted by experts
Backed by leading sleep specialists
We believe that eXciteOSA therapy will be able to help many patients in the near future.
— Dr. Marina Carrasco-LlatasSpecialist in ORL at Dr. Peset University Hospital, Valencia, Spain
Expert in Sleep Medicine
President of the Commission on Roncopathy and Sleep Apnoea of the Spanish Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
I am optimistic that this treatment will be an important treatment approach for patients with with mild sleep apnea and snoring.
— Professor Atul MalhotraM.D. Research Chief, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Peter C. Farrell Presidential Chair and Professor in Respiratory Medicine
Former President, American Thoracic Society 2015- 2016
What is truly revolutionary is that this device actually trains the muscles that go slack and cause snoring.
— Dr. Gurs SehmiSleep Dentist
London, UK
This device is unique as it is worn briefly during the day and thus no interference with sleep. There is no other product on the market like eXciteOSA®.
— Tanya A Wiese, DOPulmonologist
Norton Pulmonary Specialists, KY, USA
A new treatment I feel enthusiastic about is eXciteOSA®. I have recommended patients who snore or have mild sleep apnoea to try it.
— Adrian Williams, FRCP, FAASMConsultant in Sleep Medicine
Professor of Sleep Medicine
The beauty of this novel device is that, unlike other appliances suggested for treating sleep apnoea, it is not used during sleep and is therefore more convenient.
— Professor Bhik KotechaConsultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon
Honorary Clinical Professor at Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry
I’m delighted that I now have another successful option to offer patients with heavy snoring and/or mild obstructive sleep apnoea
— Dr. Liam DohertyConsultant Respiratory Physician
Bon Secours Hospital, Cork
78% of patients achieved a reduction in sleep apnea severity
A 2-night home sleep test pre and post-therapy measured objective improvement in sleep apnea. The test results showed a significant reduction in apnea. The test results showed a significant reduction in apnea-hyponea index(AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) measures.
78% of patients achieved a reduction in sleep apnea severity
A 2-night home sleep test pre and post-therapy measured objective improvement in sleep apnea. The test results showed a significant reduction in apnea. The test results showed a significant reduction in apnea-hyponea index(AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) measures.
78% of patients achieved a reduction in sleep apnea severity
A 2-night home sleep test pre and post-therapy measured objective improvement in sleep apnea. The test results showed a significant reduction in apnea. The test results showed a significant reduction in apnea-hyponea index(AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) measures.
Happy sleepers
with over 10,000 patients on therapy, real-world experience, and clinical studies adherence over 80%, hear why patients choose flytetherapy for their sleep apnea therapy.