“I wish every new mom knew this is an option.”
Meet Brittany
So many things change when you have a baby. Although becoming a mom brings so many wonderful things with it, you do lose some things about yourself, including your body. After my three children I just wanted to go for a run and not have to worry about it. I wanted to sneeze without worrying about leaking when I would get a cold in the winter. I wanted to be able to play with my growing kids without worrying. I could feel that my pelvic floor was weaker, and I wanted to get my independence back and be active again, worry-free.
After my first pregnancy, I did not rest as much as I should have and started walking right away. I was
not recovering well, so I went to a pelvic floor physical therapist. Sadly, the therapist wasn’t a good fit so I didn’t find it helpful and just continued with my life. Two years later after my second child I still had not returned to running because I still did not feel back to normal. Finally, after my third child (two years later), I began pelvic PT at a group that was a much better fit where heard about Flyte from my physical therapist.
I was religious about PT and Flyte during my maternity leave because I wanted to give myself the self-care that I hadn’t given myself after my previous babies. Flyte was great; I really appreciated it being just 5 minutes because the PT was a lot of time and I had to bring my (sometimes screaming) newborn along. I could tell I was making progress week by week which was empowering.
As I was improving, I was going to PT less and continuing Flyte at home. I could feel myself getting stronger and the convenience factor was huge. Getting any sort of independence back after kids, feeling more like “myself”, was huge. Being able to sneeze when I have a cold and play with my kids worry-free is wonderful. And going for that 2-3 mile run not having to worry about anything is amazing. I wish every new mom knew this was an option and that there are things out there that can s ignificantly improve your life. I’ve been telling any of my friendsbecoming new moms about pelvic PT and Flyte because I found it so very helpful.